God is just awesome, isn't He? Don't get me wrong, I've known this for some time now. But I am amazed at how often and how greatly He shows us His awesomeness. Is awesomeness a word? I don't know...but I used it anyway.
Tonight, in women's bible study, my dear friend Gaylin talked to us about Jochebed. I didn't think I'd heard of her before either but turns out I had, I just didn't know her name. That might be the same for you. She was Moses' mother.
Jochebed is only mentioned by name twice in scripture (Exodus 6:20 and Numbers 26:59) but she is listed in the Hebrews list of Saints (Hebrews 11) because she did not fear the king's edict. We know more about this woman than her lack of fear. We also know she had someone who loved her enough to tell her the stories of old - what we now have access to in our Bibles. Someone cared enough to tell her that Noah used pitch on the Ark - a nugget of information she used to prepare the basket she put Moses in before placing him in the Nile river. She was a slave. She wouldn't know what it takes to build a boat. Someone cared enough to tell her about Noah doing it and she remembered to use it to protect her son.
As I was pondering this nugget of info, Gaylin said something I doubt I'll ever forget.
It's our responsibility to tell our own faith stories. We must tell others what God has done and is continuing to do in our lives. We must tell our children how believing in Him changed our circumstances, made our lives better and how. God is still in the miracle business. He still cares for His children, provides for them and nourishes them. Why shouldn't we be telling everyone we can see about what He's done for us!?
For a long time now, I've been keeping the "inner workings" of our lives private. It's one reason I haven't blogged as much as I used to. I thought showing what God was doing for us, through us and in us would somehow make others think we were pitiful. I thought by admitting His blessings and provisions, I would be admitting weakness. Don't ask me why I thought that way...if you're reading this you already know I'm a little off.
So! In an effort to record my own Faith Stories, I am going to share them here. It will probably take me a while to get all caught up and I hope you are blessed by reading them.
Maybe I should get one of those widget thingies so you can record your Faith Stories too and we can all link them together! Too bad I don't have the technical skills my friend Jess has or I would do that.
(No subtle hints or anything.)